Anosmia (loss of smell)
A remission of anosmia and ageusia following
chiropractic adjustments. Filosa DA R Palmer Research Forum
Winter 1988;4(2):43-45
This is the case of a sixty year old
man who had gone to a chiropractic clinic for lower back
muscle pain. During his exam he revealed that he had lost
his senses of smell and taste 18 months earlier, while he
was suffering from a common cold. In addition, he also had
an enlarged prostate and was taking medications for high
blood pressure and diabetes.
He had been under the care of MDs
(ENT specialist).
Chiropractic care: An atlas subluxation was
found and he was adjusted using a toggle recoil technique,
T3 and a PI ileum were also adjusted.
Later that evening the
patient reported: “I don’t
know what you did, but this is the first time I’ve
been able to taste and smell anything for the past year.”
a six week reexamination smell and taste were still intact
and his lower back muscle pain (gluteal) had resolved.
2004 Koren Publications, Inc. & Tedd Koren,