Children & Babies - Chiropractic Wellness

Remembering our Home - William Emerson

Remembering Our Home - World Chiropractic Today

Book Description

Sure to provoke both intense interest and controversy is this book by the best-selling Linns and their co-author William Emerson, a pioneer in the field of healing birth trauma. This cutting-edge work explains how we can be injured emotionally and spiritually while still in the womb--forming a "template" for how we interpret later hurts. The good news is that we can be healed of these injuries even as adults. This is an extraordinary new area of research, rooted in embryological evidence as well as in anecdotal reports of birth regression. The authors believe a paradigm shift is occurring in psychology: the recognition that a child has a fully conscious spirit at the moment of conception, capable of being hurt but also capable of being healed. The ultimate healing, which can come even in adulthood, comes with remembering "home," remembering that we all come from the heart of God before our entry to the world. The exercises, meditations, and healing games presented here can be used on one's self or one's children, alone or in groups. The book is a unique resource for birth or adoptive parents, pediatricians, therapists, and anyone in need of personal healing.

About the Author

Dennis, Sheila, and Matt Linn work as a team integrating physical, emotional and spiritual wholeness, currently through leading retreats and spiritual companioning. They have taught courses on processes for healing in over thirty countries and in many universities and hospitals. With total sales over a million copies, their seventeen books include Healing Life's Hurts, Don't Forgive Too Soon, Simple Ways to Pray for Healing, and Healing the Purpose of Your Life. Dennis and Sheila live in Colorado with their son John, and Matt lives in a Jesuit community in Minnesota.

For over thirty years, William Emerson, Ph.D., has been a pioneer in treatment methods for healing birth trauma in infants and children and in treatment methods for adults. He's been named an honorary fellow by the National Institute of Mental Health for his scholarly excellence and for his contributions to the field of psychology. Dr. Emerson is also the author of many articles, audiotapes, and videotapes on the diagnosis and treatment of prenatal and perinatal trauma.

Journal of Christian Healing
This is a groundbreaking book.

David Chamberlain, Ph.D., Past President, Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health
This little book will make a huge contribution to healing, health and enlightenment.

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