
Chiropractic Treatment of a 7-Month-Old with Chronic Constipation: A Case Report
By Elise G. Hewitt, D.C.

The effect of chiropractic care on visceral conditions currently generates wide interest. Practitioners in this clinic have observed bowel function changes in patients following chiropractic treatment. This report has the added interest that it involves a 7-month-old suffering from chronic constipation since birth. The infant had a history of hard, pellet-like stools following hours of painful straining, ranging in frequency from once per day to once every three days. After receiving treatment consisting of full spine and cranial adjusting, the patient's bowel function normalized to 1-2 soft, effortless stools per day. Results were confirmed at the eight-week follow-up visit. This response, although observed on a single subject, suggests that chiropractic care may affect pediatric visceral conditions through treatment of the spine and cranium and expresses the need for further observation. We are beginning to record such results for similar or related conditions. A major investigation into such conditions would be welcomed. (1992 Proceedings)