Dr. Angela O'Brien, Dr. Liisa Hall, Dr. Andrew Hall Danvers, MA.

I'm so excited! Writing this will be difficult because it is so emotional. My 7 year old son, Connor, is taking his first independent steps of his life! Thank you Dr. Angela O'Brien and Dr. Jinx! You have given him the edge; the confidence he needed to start to live! God Bless You!

I am the mother of two wonderful boys; Connor and Griffin. Connor has a diagnosis of Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) with traits of Autism, global developmental delay, visual impairment, and many other health related issues.

We started Chiropractic care in August of 1998. Because Connor was non-ambulatory for the first 4 years of his life, I was always concerned with his bone structure and alignment. How could his bones be growing properly when he was always on the floor? Although his orthopedic doctors told me everything was fine, I knew better. I knew in my heart there was another option. Chiropractic care was always at the back of my mind but how could I fit in one more appointment? Our life was already so full of doctors' appointments, therapies, special school programs etc. How could I do it and remain sane?

Then one fateful day, I was introduced to Dr. Jinks through a mutual friend (now also a patient), and after encouragement, and many raves from his pediatric patients, I took the final step and made the commitment. Both Connor and I started getting adjusted.

Poked and prodded since birth, extremely defensive and wary of doctors, Connor was not easy to examine and not very trusting in general. Dr. Jinks handled our situation perfectly. Taking the time to get to know Connor, build up a relationship of trust and confidence, making all the difference in the outcome. I was amazed. We had never been treated so well by a doctor before.

Well, the many miracles began to happen quickly for Connor. Sleep had always been an issue as he used to scream 5-6 times a night, now, if at all, he is easily calmed and returns to sleep even on his own. His seizure medications have been reduced from 750mg daily to only 125mg. Can you believe it?! I'm so looking forward to entirely eliminating these medications! And, although Connor still occasionally gets colds and sinus problems, his recovery time is greatly reduced and does not include trips to his medical doctor or antibiotics. This is particularly wonderful as he spent the first 4 years of his life on antibiotics for chronic ear infections, asthma and sinus infections. He is getting so much stronger. If only I knew then.

He now has normal muscle tone and normal reflexes for the first time in his life, and although he was regarded as legally blind after eye surgeries following his birth, Connor now has 20/40 vision!!! As for his balance, my little guy is finally able to take his first independent steps!

It is no coincidence that these changes and improvements have occurred since starting Chiropractic care. And, because we now know how important it is to have a healthy nervous system, our entire family gets adjusted regularly. Thank you Dr. Angela, Dr. Jinks and staff for making us feel so welcome and for caring so much about our family!

Our deepest gratitude,

Charlotte R.