Dr. Craig French Durham, NC

Healthier Choices for Me and My Family

Like every parent, I am constantly striving to be my best and do what is best for my family. When I first met Dr. French approximately three years ago, I knew very little of chiropractic, however, as he described his work, I immediately saw it as a positive path that I eventually wanted to take, but in my mind there were so many "other" things I needed to accomplish first.

Coordinating a new business and a new family (which included a new marriage, a new stepchild, and a newborn baby) was keeping me very busy. I was not taking much time for myself and eventually began to burn out physically and mentally. I couldn't give my family the best life if I was not at my best. I began to work on the improvement of my health both physically and mentally. I learned the importance of the simplest things like the importance of water, nutrition, exercise, rest and positive thinking and I began to incorporate these things into my life.

About six months ago, I noticed a sign on Dr. French's door. It said, How to Increase you Energy by 100% and your resistance by 200%. This sounded too good to be true, but sparked my interest as this was a path I wanted to be on. I attend the workshop and learned about how energy and resistance could be improved when the nervous system was working 100%. Dr. French also discussed how children could also benefit from chiropractic because they, like adults, have subluxations and correcting these would allow their nervous system to protect their immune resistance.

I was interested in the program for myself, but even more for my daughter, Nicole. Since she has been 1 ½ , she has gone to day care approximately once every two months for one day and almost every time, two or three days later she would develop an ear infection leading to pain and discomfort for her and at least one dose of antibiotics each time to clear the infection. I was also giving her pain and cold medications, which would make her irritable and upset on top of everything else. If I could improve her immune system, I could improve her life.

I especially like the idea of putting Nicole on the wellness path, allowing her body to heal itself and limiting medications, not only now, but through her entire lifetime. With chiropractic, I could give Nicole the gift of a healthier, happier, more peaceful life, not only as a young child and young adult but also into old age and onto future generations.

Upon beginning Dr. French's program with Nicole, I began to notice her resistance improving. She was still getting colds and upper respiratory challenges but not as often and when she did get them; her body was beginning to fight them off without medications. Recently, circumstances have required Nicole to be in a day care three times per week for six weeks. During these past six weeks, there have been four times that she began to develop upper respiratory problems and each and every time she was able to fight off the problem herself, no need for antibiotics or even pain or cold medications.

As for myself, I also have seen improvement in my resistance and energy level. My body is healthier. I do not have to sleep as long and I wake up more energetic, which gives me more time to exercise, something I wanted so much to do, but could not fit into my schedule. Chiropractic and Dr. French's wellness program have enabled me to go to the next level with my health and has added more quality to my life.

If only I had taken the time three years ago to start Dr. French's program for myself and Nicole, I could have prevented many doses of antibiotics and medications for Nicole and myself and by being healthier and more energetic could have provided a better quality life for myself and my family much sooner.

I constantly pray that God will give me guidance for myself and my family. I do believe I have taken a giant step in the right direction. Dr. French is truly doing God's work.

Annamarie C