Drs. David and Jennifer Cretsinger Amherst, New Hampshire

My wife Jeanne and I heard of Dr. Jennifer and Dr. Dave in the Autumn of 2000 through an insert in a local newspaper. At the time we, like so many people, thought of chiropractic as a type of physical therapy for back pain. Although we didn't have back pain per se, we had heard through acquaintances that sometimes other ailments seemed to "magically" disappear through chiropractic. We decided to give it a try and commenced visits to Spinal Corrective Center in November, 2000.

Of course, right away we learned of the fallacies of our old thinking. And we continue with each visit to not only adjust our bones but to adjust our minds. As a practical matter, we have noted physical improvements which we assume are the results of a regimen of chiropractic visits. Jeanne had experienced muscle and joint pain in her left arm, shoulders and hips. All have decreased significantly from near constant annoyance to now the occasional flare-up.

For me personally I also have noticed a decrease in aches and pains throughout my body. Specifically, I was beginning to think I would carry on my family's "tradition" of having arthritis, as my knees and other joints would be painful on some mornings. Since starting chiropractic I've noticed much less joint pain; and furthermore, I enjoyed a greater resistance to colds this past winter.

We consider one of the improvements we've received through the chiropractic care of Dr. Jennifer and Dr. Dave is the education - the awakening of our minds to the roles of the brain and nervous system and to "innate" intelligence within each of us. The reading materials freely distributed at each visit are informative and thought provoking - educating us to the poisons in our diets, medicines, and environments that we freely consume - educating us on how to think about our bodies and health - and educating us as to the difference between treating symptoms and the leveraging of pre-existing healing powers within.

We've progressed from our initial mindsets of equating chiropractic with "back care" to realizations that chiropractic is a "wellness" approach that strives to remove mental and physical blocks to self healing. In the spring of 2001 we adopted a beautiful baby girl, and we bring her for regular checks and adjustments. We are confident that one of the ways we can maximize our daughter's health is aggressively thwarting subluxations - allowing her own body to operate at peak efficiency, as God intended.

Tim, Jeanne and Alana H