Chiropractors / spinal specialists usa

Drs. Steven and Camilla Franson Beverly, Massachusetts

Here is my medical history before and after chiropractic. I am a thirty five year old female. At the age of twelve I was diagnosed with tendonitis in my ankles and kness. At 17, my knees were so bad I had surgery on them. I was placed on anti-inflammatroy medicine and received physical therapy. At 18, I spent ten days in bed-rest on doctor's orders for back pain, given muscle relaxers and pain meds. The doctors told me it was sciatica. At twenty, I was diagnosed with tennis elbow in my left arm. I received a cortisone shot. I never had a problem with that elbow again.

At 23 my right elbow then started bothering me. For a year I went through physical therapy, a series of three cortisone shots and my dosage of anti-inflammatory meds increased. Nothing helped. By 24 my orthopedic surgeon decided to operate to scrape out the scar tissue in my elbow. The pain is gone, but the scar is quite visible. At 29 I hurt my shoulder, again I went through physical therapy and cortisone shots for six months before my arm completely seized up. Surgery again.

One year of recovery and a six inch scar. By this time I was taking 3200 mg of Motrin per day. My surgeon decided to give me something stronger and switched me to Naproxen. At 31 my back blew out. I went to my orthopedic surgeon. He sent me to two different physical therapists, a neurosurgeon and a pain management doctor. The therapy made the pain worse. The neurosurgeon made the pain worse, and the pain management specialist just shot me in the back with cortisone. The pain was so bad that I actually told my mother that if I had to live with the pain I would rather die. After a year of intense pain with no relief, I told all of these doctors to "take a long walk off a short pier," I finally listened to the advice of a friend, and went to Franson Family Chiropractic.

I have been under care their for two years. In that time I have gone from someone who couldn't walk and hated life to someone who can do anything I want, I lost 60 pounds, and am enjoying life the way everyone should. One other thing that I feel is worth mentioning is that since I was born, I was always sick at least three times per year if not more. Since being under chiropractic care, a period of over two years I have been sick twice. That in itself is a miracle to me. I no longer take any meds and my body is healthier than ever. I will spend the rest of my life turning people on to chiropractic. I am living proof it works. Thank you Dr. Franson.

Love always.