Chiropractors / spinal specialists usa

Drs. Steven and Camilla Franson Beverly, Massachusetts

I'm only writing about this because Dr. Franson asked me to. (I omitted my name for what will be an obvious reason.) I have been seeing Dr. Stephen Franson (about six months). He has really helped me with my diet and how to exercise properly. The result of diet changes and exercises (and also the adjustments!!) is a well-oiled intestine! Yes, that's right - healthy bowl activity! (I can't believe I am writing about this!) I have stopped drinking soda and milk. I have cut all dairy (except for a little cheese) from my diet. I drink water all day. One or two cups of coffee. I really can't tell you is making me so "healthy." I have lost weight and I have more energy. In a million years I never thought I'd be telling anyone about this. But I feel so much better and when I told Dr. Franson he asked me to share my story. (He will verify that I am a patient of his.)

Signed. Anonymous, regular and happy (but embarrassed).