Chiropractors / spinal specialists usa

Dr. Bart Patzer Austin, Tx

For the past 20 years, people close to me have often heard me complain of sore feet and I've experienced a variety of symptoms associated with arthritis. Day-to-day symptoms have ranged from minor aches and stiffness to inflammation and pain that prevented the use of my hands and/or caused me to limp. I tried many treatment options. I've been on NSAID medication (e.g., enteric aspirin, naproxyn, cataflan, ibuprofen) for most of that time; I've tried exercise therapy; I've used therapeutic massage; I've changed my diet to include more fish and vegetables; I've been through some psychotherapy sessions; and most recently, I've added Dr. Patzer's chiropractic treatments.

Each treatment routine provided some relief - some more than others, some for longer than others. None have been as successful as Dr. Patzer's treatments in subsiding the pain and discomfort. I've noticed that I'm forgetting to take my prescribed NSAID medication - painful joints aren't reminding me that it's time! Spring is typically when I experienced even one afternoon where my hands lock in pain as I sit at my computer! And for the first time in years, I have frequent days where my feet don't hurt at all!

I've been a patient of Dr. Patzer's for six months and I have to say that making the commitment to follow his prescribed treatment program is one of the best things I've ever done for myself!

Robin N.

April 27, 2000