Chiropractors / spinal specialists uk

Dr Peter Proud, Stourbridge, England

Since starting with my Adjustments I have seen a great improvement in not only in my health but general life. When I started having my Adjustments I was having regular headaches and some back pain. I was also feeling generally unwell, stressed and run down.

Within a couple of months I noticed an improvement in my back pain and my head aches had become much less frequent. I now only get about one headache a month which is amazing since I used to seem to have one every day.

I have also noticed a change in my energy levels, I seem to feel fresher and more able to concentrate than I used to. Also I feel more confident and focused than I did 18 months ago (when I had my first Adjustment). Other people those I work with and my friends and family have seen a difference and I have had several compliments about how well I look or how happy I seem.

So thank you very much Living Health

Hannah R.