Chiropractors / spinal specialists uk

Dr Peter Proud, Stourbridge, England

I had been suffering from severe head aches and migraines for years and from back pain for 3 years. I have had all types of strong pain killers every four hours and some every six hours but there was no satisfaction because the pain calmed down for only a few minutes and then came back. I was 34 and I was fed up with my life. I was so stressed and I thought I would be like that for the whole of my life. But no I was wrong,

God sent me 3 angels from Living Health Family Spine Centre and in this story the angels have magic hands. After having my first month of Adjustments I started noticing change in my body. Less pain and my headaches were not that severe. I was happy to continue my Adjustments. I have now stopped having pain killers and my headache has disappeared and my back pain is getting much much better. That's great! And now I'm so pleased with my adjustments that I want to share it with every one. There's hope at Living Health Family Spine Centre and you must have faith. I am very thankful to Dr. Peter and Sarah and I will definitely carry on with my adjustments

