Chiropractors / spinal specialists usa

Dr. Joe Henry Rodriguez, Austin, TX

I came to Dr. Rodriguez at a time of suffering from back problems and cancer. Durin the 2 ½ years that I have been served by Dr. Rodriguez I have become cancer-free and my back is getting stronger and less vulnerable. What more could a person ask for? Well, there is more and it proves to me that as we trust in God, He will provide far more blessings than we could have even hoped for or imagined.

The blood test results from my last physical exam have shown the healthiest results that I have had in my life. I have experienced allergies since I was 6 years old and they kept getting worse and the medications to treat them kept getting stronger and more numerous. Following a new skin test by my allergist, I am now free of all allergy reactions! I didn't expect that to ever happen. Now, I take no medications at all!

The blessings of a new and growing health instead of declining health and more medications is a great joy in my life. I thank Dr. Rodriguez and his staff, as well as my wife Kay, who has also helped me eat healthy and nutritious foods, and also God for being the source of all healing and health. Thank you to Keith Gravesmill for referring me to Dr. Rodriguez - what a blessing this has been in my life. I encourage people to allow God to work in their lives by being open, and asking good questions, as they seek to allow God to provide the health that He wants for us.

Blessings to each of you,

Lowell G.