Chiropractors / spinal specialists usa

Dr. Joe Henry Rodriguez, Austin, TX

Getting My Life Back!

In November of 2003, as I was strolling into a faculty meeting at school, I was unaware that my life that had drastically deteriorated in the last few months was about to take on "new" life. Shoreline Chiropractic was the program for Wellness Week. I enjoyed the presentation and was mildly curious about it, but had no intention of following up on it.

At the conclusion of the presentation it was announced that 30 office visits had been reserved for faculty members to come in for x-rays and to get more extensive information about the program. I missed the opportunity to gracefully leave. As I thanked them for taking their time to come speak to us, Kellye mentioned that there was only one more block of time left. Would Dec. 3 be fine with me? I did not wish to be rude, so I put my name in the blank. never intending to keep the appointment. While at my daughter's house, I mentioned it to her. Her initial response was, "Great." I told her that I had no plans to keep the appointment and that I was going to cancel it when I got to school that next morning. She indicated that she thought I should keep it. I finally relented and said okay- knowing that I was going to cancel. However, I forgot to make the call. Kellye called me to remind me of my appointment and I felt like it was too late to decline.

I have never believed in "coincidence." I know that this is a way in which God speaks to us- through other people and situations. This, in my opinion, was no coincidence. I chided myself for my recent bad memory problem, but knowing in my heart that this was my wake-up call. That was one memory lapse, or getting and forgetting to cancel my appointment, that has literally given me back my life.

I never mentioned to my family that I felt like I was not going to be around much longer. I was so weak I didn't have the energy, everything went wrong- I seemed to be falling apart. After coming home from school I'd sit down and promptly go to sleep- wake up midnight to 4 a.m. only to go up to bed. My blood pressure went very high and I had zero strength. I had no feeling in my toes. The arthritis pain in my side and back kept me taking Tylenol daily. One hip was higher and I walked with a severe limp at the end of a tiresome school day. It was obvious as I walked down the hall- my right shoulder dipped dramatically. If I was not too tired, I could hold it down in place and it was not so obvious.

It took every ounce of energy for me to get down to the end of the hall. Also, I could no longer wear my skirts or pants that had waistbands. Everything had to be elastic. My patience with the school children was almost non-existent. I had become plagued by incontinence. Every aspect of my life had gone awry. I had just lost my will to live like this since I didn't have the quality I'd always enjoyed. I no longer walked, played tennis, or even had the energy to play with my grandsons.

My friends at church knew nothing of my plight because I stopped going out to eat with the Friday night group. I never wanted to let on that anything was wrong. I stopped going to breakfast Saturday mornings. I simply became a hermit whenever possible. This was totally out of character for me.

Whenever the x-rays were taken and read, many different problems showed as a result of years of intense stress, a number of bad falls on the ski slopes of Colorado, slipping on a small piece of ice and crushing out all of my teeth as I fell directly on my chin hitting the concrete with full force. I went to the emergency room for x-rays because it was feared that I had broken my neck and/or jaw. Since nothing was actually broken, I did not receive any treatment for the injury, except for a dentist who repair my crushed teeth.

I had never heard of subluxation, but now I swear by the treatments I am receiving. Luckily I had an immediate response to the adjustments. The first thing I noticed was that my "free swinging leg" was firmly on the floor. I promptly went home and tried on some jeans with waistbands. I could get them zipped and buttoned!

Upon seeing me, my friends asked what had happened. They had noticed a decided difference in me- my posture and my outlook to name only a couple of the obvious. This convinced me that I had been led to the right place at the right time. Was this just another coincidence? With every treatment, I have felt better. I can actually feel both of my feet now. I owe my life to Dr. Rodriguez. I honestly do not know ho w much longer I could have gone on in that manner. I think not long at all.

No more Tylenol Arthritis tablets at breakfast for me. My blood pressure has dropped to a new low in many years, I can feel both of my feet, and I have become more mentally alert. My life has been steadily returning as I continue to receive adjustments and see the return of my life! Great day! My work here is not finished!

The greatest thing is that my son and daughter had been seeing my health deteriorate and were concerned. Due to my drastic improvement my daughter may very well have averted gall bladder surgery. She had started going for treatment and so far has made favorable progress. Last weekend my son was in town and made the decision to go back to Houston and call for his appointment.

Thanks to all of the little "concidences", or "God incidences" of the timely meeting at school, Shoreline Chiropractic, Dr. Rodrigues, and the staff. I am convinced that my life has been handed back to me. I had been "nudged" into the right place at the right time. Was this just another coindedence? I think not!

The greatest thing is that my son and daughter had been seeing my health decline and were concerned. Due to my drastic improvement my daughter may have averted gall bladder surgery. She has started going for treatment and so far has made favorable progress. Last weekend my son was in town and made the decision to go back to Houston and call for an appointment.

I strongly urge all of my friends to call for an appointment, to have x-rays taken and read. Do not wait until you are almost past going before you look at how you body and mind cold benefit from some adjustments. You life is too precious to let it continue to suffer. I am living proof that an immediate change can occur. It can happen!!

God BlessYou.

Patti J.