Chiropractors / spinal specialists usa

Dr. Joe Henry Rodriguez, Austin, TX

My name is Regina and I have been coming to see Dr. Rodriguez since February 14, 2002. I have been exposed to chiropractors since I was a little girl. My father believed in going to them and I have been going to chiropractors for probably the last 25 years. After the birth of two children, I began to have lower back pain. One Saturday, I remember straining my back to the point I could not move or breathe. My husband called the doctor and the doctor prescribed muscle relaxers. I remember that all it did was cause me to sleep. I talked to a friend at work that encouraged me to go to a chiropractor and from then on, I began going when I felt that I needed one.

In 1995 I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism. From that time on, I began to have blood pressure problems, my monthly cycle was messed up, and my health began to decline. I was put on several medications at that time but still did not show much improvement. I began to have sinus headaches and due to different combinations of medications, I broke out in hives. In April of 2001, I had a complete hysterectomy, I just knew this would clear up my problems. Three weeks after my surgery, I began to have urinary infections, yeast infections, sinus infections and was sick every other week.

I was so depressed! What was wrong with me! In August of 2001, I began to have migraine headaches. My doctor recommended that I have an MRI done to see if there was something causing the headaches. Nothing was found, but I continued to have migraines. Thinking back, I remember not only having the migraines, but I took Tylenol on a regular basis. In October, I got shingles and was out of work for two weeks. From June 1 st 2001 to January 1 st 2002, I used up 160 hours of sick leave. My husband recommended that I go see Dr. Rodriguez and so February 14 th , I had my first visit. I had never gown to any of the previous chiropractors for any continued period of time. At the time I talked to Dr. Rodriguez , we set up a program and I have been coming here three times a week.

I am happy to say, I have had NO INFECTONS and most importantly NO MIGRAINES !! It is amazing how much my health has changed! Like I said in the beginning, I had seen chiropractors before, but coming here to Dr. Rodriguez was different. He has a much different technique and approach then any other chiropractor I had ever seen before. Dr. Rodriguez is interested in restoring you to complete good health. Thank you Dr. Rodriguez for the difference you have made in my life!