Chiropractors / spinal specialists australia

Dr. Yil Yildrim, Perth, Australia

Marilyn's Story

I was on my way home from my weekly shopping trip when I came across Dr. Yildirim's display. Clutching at straws (as the saying goes) I asked about my Carpel Tunnel, which had kept me from sleeping for the past four weeks - the pain was undescribable. The doctor had referred me for x-rays with the possibility of an operation, which I did NOT want. I could not get in for an x-ray for another month. What? More sleepless nights!!! I was popping painkillers with no relief and didn't know what to do next.

When I spoke to Dr. Yildirim, he informed me he could check me out, have x-rays and start treatment (if I wanted to), the following week. Never having been to a chiropractor before, I was not sure - but needed to find out.

After my x-rays, which is proof in black and white, Dr. Yildirim showed me how my neck was more than the accepted 15mm out of line. My symptoms were aggravated by this problem. Dr. Yildirim asked me if I wished to start treatment. My answer was YES!!!

After only one week of adjustments I had relief from the pins and needles and pain in my right arm. I was able to sleep through the night without painkillers for relief. As I have lost a considerable amount of weight recently, my body is in great shape and this is making my health and well-being much better since visiting Dr. Yildirim.

I am now down to one visit a week and after a recent x-ray, my neck is now only about 6 mm away from the accepted variance.Due to my age (57) and not having looked after myself when younger by attending a chiropractor, Dr. Yildirim was not sure if treatment would be successful. I'm glad to say that I received a gold star for my recuperation and now, being more aware of my body, I will look after it better . and fully recommend chiropractic care to others.