Dr. Mark McGowan, F.C.C, N. Dartmouth, MA


Here at Faunce Corner Chiropractic I’ve learned about the devastating effects of subluxation and contributing factors such as poor posture, stress, poor nutrition, lifting unwisely, etc.

I’ve learned that in order to correct this problem, it’s important to “set my body’s own innate healing power free” by eliminating interruptions to signals sent from and to the brain via the central nervous system. Thereby interfering with important instructions, which enable the body to heal itself. Since the adjustment process has begun, I’ve begun feeling much better in a variety of ways.

My posture is important, the number of migraine headaches have drastically decreased. I’m feeling stronger and have more energy. I’m beginning to loose weight/ excess body fat, no more upper and lower back pain, my menstrual periods are becoming more regular and less painful. Because of the well-rounded approach at Faunce Corner Chiropractic, which includes education RE: Nutrition and contributing factors to subluxation. I’ve learned about the alarming effects of regularly consuming meats, dairy, sugar, etc.

As a result my family and I are moving toward a vegetarian diet. Because I’ve stopped consuming diary and because of regular adjustments, my bones are also feeling stronger and less brittle. Due to jaw and spine adjustments, my jaw is dislocating less frequently and I am experiencing less pain over all.

Any additional messages or thoughts that you would like to convey:

Thank you to the entire staff at F.C.C. for all that you’ve done and are doing!