female concerns

Overdiagnosis of breast cancer may be higher than previously thought.

National programmes of mammographic screening can lead to one in three breast cancers being overdiagnosed. Zahl and colleagues (p 921) report that the incidence of breast cancer among women 50-69 years of age increased by 50% when Norway and Sweden introduced mammographic screening. They also found no compensating fall in incidence over age 69, when women are no longer invited for screening. In the absence of screening, the authors say, one of three women in the 50-69 age group who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer would not have been diagnosed as having breast cancer in her lifetime. The authors conclude that women cannot make an informed choice on screening unless the level of overdiagnosis is properly explained to them.

Successful Pregnancy Following Diagnosis of Infertility And Miscarriage:
A Chiropractic Case Report

This case report of a woman with a history of infertility and miscarriage contributes to the growing body of literature on the response to chiropractic care among infertile women. The article discusses the impact of stress on a woman's nervous system, and the possible associated changes in reproductive health. Further research is called for to evaluate the safety, cost, and effectiveness of chiropractic care in women's health.

Preeclampsia problems during pregnancy

The following article shows a significant relationship of the increased incidence of preclampsia in pregnant working women. Pregnancy is a time where the body systems are already taxed and the additional stresses of working appear to have an added toll on the mother's well-being. It would be very interesting to see this same study done with a group of women under chiropractic care. Peer reviewed journals have reported the relationship between the correction of spinal misalignment and lowering blood pressure. (References Below)

"Pregnant women who work are more than five times more likely than women who do not work to develop preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication marked by high blood pressure, swelling in the legs and other symptoms.

The complication affects as many as 1 in 10 first pregnancies. If left untreated, preeclampsia can develop into eclampsia, a life-threatening condition in which a woman has convulsive seizures in late pregnancy or during the first week after delivery. The study was performed at a large maternity hospital in Dublin, Ireland."


Based on this study, it is essential that working women make lifestyle choices to counteract the potential overload of working during pregnancy. According to the studies listed below, chiropractic care provides a means to establish normal blood pressure. Just another reason for the importance of chiropractic care in pregnancy

References relating correction of spinal misalignment to lowering blood pressure:


Some of the abstracts:


FDA Insists Estrogen Products are Hazardous

The Food and Drug Administration has announced that manufacturers of drugs that contain either oestrogen alone or both oestrogen and progestogen together for the treatment of symptoms associated with menopause must include a new warning on the labels. The warning must state that the drugs may increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and breast cancer.

FDA insists oestrogen products for menopause carry a warning   Brit Med Journal 2003 (Jan 18);   326 (7381):   126

Soy Isoflavones for Women's Health

In April and May (of 1998), newspaper headlines were buzzing with news of the latest cancer prevention pills. Two prescription drugs, tamoxifen and raloxifene, were found to reduce the risk of breast cancer. There were drawbacks to the pharmaceuticals, however, as there usually are: Tamoxifen increased the risk of endometrial cancer and pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs), and raloxifene users were more likely to suffer from hot flashes and leg cramps.

Is there a safe and effective alternative for reducing the risk of breast cancer? According to a rapidly growing body of evidence, it may be eating soy foods, which are rich in the phytoestrogen isoflavone. Phytoestrogens are estrogenlike compounds found in plants; they have slight hormonal (and sometimes hormone-blocking) properties without being true steroid hormones. Eaten for more than 5,000 years in Asia, soy appears to reduce the risk of breast and other reproductive-organ cancers--and doesn't have the unwanted side effects or risks of drugs.

JACK CHALLEM   Soy Isoflavones for Women's Health:   Is Soy a Viable Alternative to Traditional Estrogen Hormone Replacement?   Nutrition Science News 1998


Women need better information about routine mammography Scientists continue to argue about the benefits of breast screening, but ultimately decisions about screening should be made by women themselves. To make this decision, however, women need to fully understand both the benefits and the potential harms. BMJ 2003;327:101-103 (12 July)

The relationship of pesticides to breast cancer

This abstract reports histology exams which reveal higher concentrations of pesticides found in fat samples from women with cancer, as compared with those who had benign breast disease.

Pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyl residues in human breast lipids and their relation to breast cancer   Arch Environ Health 1992 (Mar);   47 (2):   143-146

Other Resources

Women's Health Articles @ Chiro.Org
The Menopause Relief Page
The Soy Protein Page
The Nutrition Section