Dr. John J. Hanna - Dr. Mechelle F. Hanna Matthews Family Chiropractic Clinic
9808 Northeast Parkway, Matthews, NC 28105

In October of 2004, after working with Christmas trees, I began to experience severe pain in my low back. For the next six to eight months, the pain continued to get worse and even radiate down into my legs. It was literally the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced in my life! I had to continually use ice packs. Around January 2005, I made an appointment to see my medical doctor who, of course, prescribed pain medication and a muscle relaxer and referred me to Miller Orthopedic.

An MRI was performed and I received two cortisone shots to the tune of $7,000 which gave me two months of relief. I went back in March 2005 prior to a trip to Hawaii for two more shots (additional $6,000) which lasted only two weeks. I was in unbearable pain when I returned from my trip. I was referred to a surgeon who said I was a candidate for a back operation, but I told him I wanted to go home and think about it.

By this time, I couldn't sit at all or ride in a vehicle. Walking was extremely difficult as well. I literally had to stand all the time. The only relief occurred when I lay down with ice packs placed on various parts of my lower body. I was spending 12-15 hours a day in bed. My wife and daughter (already chiropractic patients) told me to come see Dr. John.

I began my adjustments in June and used ice packs for the drive each way. As soon as I would get home, I laid down. Around the first part of July, I began to realize how far I'd come. I could sit without pain! Three months since my first adjustment, I feel 85% improved.

I have never missed an adjustment - my life revolves around my appointments. I realize I still have a ways to go, but am grateful to be on the road to wellness. My quality of life has improved beyond words!
