Dr. Michael McKelvery, optimal health chiropractic Beaufort, SC 

Prior to starting with chiropractic adjustments in May 1998, I had limited mobility in my neck, a chronic pain in my middle back, my lower back often “went out”. The last problem made my torso look like an “S” in the bathroom mirror. When I rode in a car for 30 miles or more I would get out of the car and be stiff and sore.
I had met Dr. McKelvey about a year before I came to his office for an assessment but put off seeking help thinking my back would get better with rest, exercise, heating pads, etc. It just got worse.
As of today, I have nearly full range of neck motion, no chronic mid-back pain, no more morning snake shape, and when I arrived back in Beaufort from Columbia, a 150-mile trip, NO PROBLEMS AT ALL! My wife and I have a trip to Nashville coming up next week and I now understand why I used to dread that trip so much back pain. No longer.
Some words of advice:

1. Make every appointment. If you cancel make it up. Consistency is very important. My back got back into shape it was in over a period of years and devoting a few minutes each week to restoring its health is well worth it.
2. Do all of your “homework assignments as assigned”. Dr. McKelvey’s work can be much more effective this way.

My thanks go to Dr. McKelvey, and Renae, for their help.

Ramon N