Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome: a case report. Langweiler MJ, Febbo TA. Journal of the Neuromusculoskeletal System, 1993: 1;69-73

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) is a very painful condition that tends to worsen and make the sufferer’s life miserable. It involves the sympathetic nervous system and the structures supplied by the sympathetic nerves.

This is the case study of a 24 year old woman diagnosed with this condition. She had neurological examinations in four different clinics. Visceral structures of the entire upper body were affected: stiffness in the upper thoracic spine, severe burning pain, numbness, sweating, and swelling in the right arm and hand. Right arm and hand were cold and moist with mild edema of the wrist and hand. Entire upper right extremity was extremely sensitive to touch with the reflexes reduced; right grip and pinch strength were also reduced.

Although injection of anestheia in to the stellate ganglion was recommended (stellate block), the patient decided to try her chiropractor. Patient had initial care of three adjustments a week (T3-T4 and C5-C6) for six weeks. At the time of the writing of the paper she had been back to full time work for one year with no apparent sequelae.

The resolution of chronic inversion plantar flexion of the foot: a pediatric case study. Ellis WB, Ebrall PS, Chiropractic Technique, 1991; 3: 55-59.

This is a case of lower extremity RSD - reflex sympathetic dystrophy that responded to chiropractic care in a child.

Copyright 2004 Koren Publications, Inc. & Tedd Koren, D.C.