Team Chiropractic, 309 West Millbrook Road, Suite 199, Raleigh, NC 27609


I've been with Dr. Dodd now for about 2-3 years, I started coming to him after a seminar he spoke at through my church. I primarily have low back pain. I had it for about 10 years off and on. Whenever I was hurting I would be out of work for two to three days, sometimes a week at a time. I couldn't stand, sit, walk, or do anything. It was a sharp and painful feeling

I've been going to a chiropractor for years. But only when I was in pain in it's worst condition. Even then, it was questionable as to the results I was getting. I would have some improvement but it would still take a couple days to a week for the pain to go away.

After being a patient of Dr. Dodd's for a few years I can say that I have not had a severe back incident. Even my upper body and my neck is more relaxed than it ever has been before. Team Chiropractic has been a big help!