Team Chiropractic, 309 West Millbrook Road, Suite 199, Raleigh, NC 27609


I had a neck injury at age 19 and over the course of time started to have persistent headaches and limited mobility in my neck. I also had been in and out of depression frequently. I also was diagnosed as having IBS and was on medication for it. The problem was around for about 17 years. At worst is was debilitating. It severely limited my physical activities. I didn't enjoy rough housing with my nieces and nephews because it hurt. And my first job was for a chiropractor, so I knew the advantages of seeing one. I experienced care that was not corrective, but only maintained my current condition.

I noticed a difference in how far I can turn my head previously, I was limited in movement however I still have very tight muscles regardless of stretching and my headaches come in stages. Sometimes I can go weeks without one single headache but then have headaches for days at a time. (This may be due to my braces/tightening).

I notice that I seldom have phases of depression which was frequent prior to chiropractic HERE! I also had tendonitis which 12 weeks of physical therapy couldn't fix but with just a few adjustments, I'm back to normal and can do normal activities that otherwise would affect my wrists and elbows (like riding my motorcycle).